Jamie's Italian

Jamie's Italian on Urbanspoon

This place doesn't have a high rating on Urbanspoon, but it's incredibly popular. At 2 King William Road, it's diagonally opposite Parliament.

The old building has been preserved, with its circa 1950 decor, and its cavernous main room. It's like a train station. There are 100+ people in here.

I'm perched at the bar at a small kitchen island. A proper table would be almost two hours, but this bar seat is very comfy, so I'm happy.

Grilled free range pork chop

Marinated & cooked under a brick with bagna cauda, apple, kohlrabi, mint, lemon and crackling.

Cooked under a brick? I didn't know that was actually a thing. Can't they afford an oven? Maybe I will check under bricks in future. There might be feed there. :)

I do a coriander check. There is no coriander in anything at the entire restaurant. :)

The meat is very ridgy, and it has a nice seared exterior. The "bagna cauda" is a very mild puree, with a faint parsley taste. It adds a faint vegetable flavour to the meat.

The salad is extremely crude. It has almost no dressing other than perhaps a squeeze of lemon, and is comprised of mint, giant apple straws, and celery leaves.

Epic brownie

Warm fudge brownie with amaretto ice cream & caramelised amaretti popcorn.

This brownie had better be E P I C ! ! 1 !

This is the least epic brownie I've ever had. A good brownie is chewy and packed with chocolate flavour. This brownie doesn't even reach the "boring chocolate cake" level that other bad brownies sit at. This has a very mild chocolate flavour, and a consistency approaching that of mashed potato. A scoop of weak vanilla ice cream doesn't change this, nor does some irrelevant caramel corn.

Epic fail.

Zert refunded. :) Head waitress visits me to hear the tale of the mushy brownie.
:( :( :( :(
Paid parking plus walk necessary