Madame Hanoi

I've got my machete and safari hat on. Tonight, I'm venturing deep into coriander territory.

This restaurant is part of the casino complex, and is next to Sean's Kitchen.

I'm seated at a stool that's less uncomfortable than most stools. It is still, however, a stool.

Heo quay cuon rau

Crispy pork belly, Vietnamese herbs, hoisin sauce, lettuce cups.

The menu items are all titled in Vietnamese gibberish, so I need to read through every menu item to understand what's on offer here. :)

I'm not entirely sure how to eat this. :)

I grab a waiter, and he explains it. Basically, you wrap everything up in a lettuce leaf, and add either the hoisin or the chilli sauce.

Pork belly is usually a kind of a delicacy. The contrast between meat, fat and skin is interesting. However, when you wrap it up in a standard lettuce leaf, and pile in some tangy sauce and mint, the pork belly is completely lost. It was a bit like having fine lobster, but in a hot dog bun, with sauce.

Some regular beef would have been better here. The pork belly was just wasted.

I'm sure I tasted coriander in here more than once, despite me using the "I'm allergic to coriander trick." A subsequent corioscopy reveals numerous small pieces of coriander amongst the herbs. How hannoying! :D

I invented the term corioscopy. :)

Bleeding heart

White chocolate with raspberry coulis.

There is no 'zert menu, so the waiter recites the available 'zerts for me. :)

This is soft, and mostly filled with a kind of creamy stuff. It's not cream, but it's close. It's rather sickly.

There's a slight macaroon base, and also a bit of raspberry coulis. The end result is very much like a supermarket jam scroll, but too rich. I'm going to stop eating this cream-based entity.

Main course coriander should equal free dessert here. That was a big mistake.

No discounts on bill.

This place has earned its spot at the very bottom of my scores page. I rest my safari hat.

:( :( :(
:( :( :(