Tin Cat Cafe


Tin Cat Cafe Restaurant and Gallery on Urbanspoon

"Are you with Channel 10, sir?"
Me: "No."
"There's a Channel 10 function out the back."

Paparazzi. They were probably tailing me all the way here.

I ask the waitress, but she hasn't seen any famous people yet. If there are any, they'll have to come out the front if they want to talk to me.

Eggplant ragu

Eggplant, porcini, lentil ragu, ricotta salsa, strozzapretti, basil.

The staff here are very chatty. If you like to have a yarn, you'll like this place.

It's hard for "just a plate of pasta" to be amazing, but this is among the better ones. The tomato, lentils and eggplant add a lot of subtle flavour, but the important bit is the white clusters of ricotta. These are balls of creaminess and very high concentrations of salt. They add a salty pop to every mouthful.

Rocky Road

House made mallow, choc mousse, pink peanuts, choc cherry ice cream + more.

This doesn't sound very exciting, but both waitresses recommend it.

This is certainly not the rocky road I'm used to. It contains all the same basic components, but they're much stronger, and have interesting textures and tastes.

The cherry and chocolate ice creams are enhanced by the spongy marshmallow and the very tangy cherry-and-peanut brittle. It does a great job of evoking rocky road, while still being a fancy dessert.
